I found these tiny blue orchids east of Collie. i have never seen them before. They are only 5-6cm high.
Club Field Trips
Field trips are an important part of the activities of WANOSCG. Most members undertake numerous personal field trips throughout the year. In addition, four or more club organised group field trips are typically undertaken annually.
Group field trips provide members with an opportunity to visit areas, to find and photograph orchids they have not seen before and to learn about orchids from each other. Factors determining the areas visited include; the location of summer fires, winter rainfall patterns, information received from country members, requests from members and specialist trips to search for threatened orchid species.
Orchid flowering is not confined to the spring months and the first trips are usually held in April / May. Members are encouraged to contribute information on the number and location of orchids found to the club’s database.
Members can find a summary of the forthcoming field trips in the latest Bulletins.
Click here for Bulletin Back Issues available to Members
Sunday, June 11th 2023 at 10:56 am |
Hi Folk
I have just joined and interested participate on some field trips.
I would particularly like to learn more about Thelymitra. But I do have a lot to learn about all the species.
Please can you inform me of proposed trips and who to contact please.
Thank you
Wednesday, July 26th 2023 at 4:05 pm |
If you’ve not already received a response apologies!
The best place for the details of field trips is the latest Bulletin, which you should have a copy of as a member or can be found in the Members Only area ()
Thursday, September 30th 2021 at 7:11 am |
are Associate members allowed to attend field trips?
Wednesday, April 13th 2022 at 6:18 pm |
Hi Felix,
Apologies for time to answer. Yes Associate memebrs can attend Field Trips.
Graham Warren