Hi Steve, thanks for your comments and notes. What you describe could be the Dale China Orchid (Cyanicula ixioides subsp.…
Every year I find a few China Orchids which are a very pale mauve colour, very much like the picture…
I found these tiny blue orchids east of Collie. i have never seen them before. They are only 5-6cm high.
Hi Gitte_Michael. Thank-you for your interest in WANOSCG - if you are interested in joining our Group, the membership details…
Saturday, March 25th 2023 at 10:03 am |
Some of these photos (the ones with “Albany” as the location) are Thelymitra porphyrosticta as that is no longer part of the T. variegata distribution.
Saturday, March 25th 2023 at 11:54 am |
Yes, you are correct Felix. Those shots have yet to be moved to the Thelymitra porphyrosticta page once they have been checked. So work in progress!